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Our roots and the road ahead

We would like you to meet SproutCloud, a flourishing community cultivated for those who find joy in the simple pleasure of houseplants. 🌱 On this page we'll tell you a little bit about how it all started and about our dreams and goals.

It all started with a tragedy

Our journey began from a deep-rooted passion for our plants. We have watched them grow and make our home more green and alive. That wasn’t always the case though.. our first plants really struggled, as did we trying to figure out how to take good care of them, how to keep track of their needs, giving them individual attention, their perfect spot in the room etc.

To be honest, our first plants are not around anymore. They either drowned or died from thirst; no in between. After this tragedy we’ve stumbled around in the world of cacti for a bit, only to find out that they need care and water as well. Yes, even the cacti died..

That was when we set our goal to really understand the needs of our plants, instead of just buying fresh ones every few weeks. It marked the beginning of our journey and seeded the idea for SproutCloud.

Growing Together

SproutCloud is more than just a website; it's a community, a shared space for plant enthusiasts like you and us. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a newbie just dipping your toes into the world of houseplants, this is where we come together, share our experiences, tips, and celebrate the beauty of our green family.

We found there are plenty of answers to be found when you start searching on the web, but it never seemed to answer our questions just right. There are many plant communities, but we found there’s a whole group of people that just can’t deal with public social media sites or find it difficult to join those busy conversations. You might count us amongst those people..

Finally there are quite a few plant care tracker apps, where you can schedule watering your plants. We just never seemed to like them. They offer either to much or too little, or are just too intrusive. So, what’s best when you think things could and should be better? Well, you better start scratching your own itches!

SproutCloud App: Nurturing The Future

We're ecstatic to share that we're bringing our ideas, wishes and dreams to your fingertips! Currently in the development phase, the SproutCloud app is designed to seamlessly manage and track the growth of your plant family. Not just water scheduling, but you will be able to keep track of their progress and share it with others. All on you own time and pace of course.

We have plenty of ideas and actual features we’re working on, all will be revealed in good time. Currently we're gearing up development and getting ready for some rigorous testing. With your support and feedback, we aim to launch by year-end.

Let’s stay in touch

While our website stands as a testament to our passion, it's also a growing entity. Just as plants need care and attention, so does our platform. We're constantly nurturing it, adding new features, and ensuring it remains the best space for all plant lovers. Keep an eye on our Digest section for all the latest updates and enhancements.

Your thoughts and feedback are the sunlight that helps us grow. If you have questions, feature suggestions, or if you've discovered a little bug lurking somewhere, don't hesitate to reach out. Together, let's make SproutCloud the nice and welcoming space we all deserve!