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The Digest

Welcome new team member, nifty new features and Instagram invasion

Published on August 22, 2023

Hey Plant Pals,

Sander here, reporting from SproutCloud HQ! We've been pretty busy the past two weeks, so it's about high thyme to share some exciting updates with you in this new installment of "The Digest".

Welcome to our team: Anna

Anna has joined our content team, and she'll be doing a lot of research for our Knowledge base. She will also be our second line of defence against typos and grammar mistakes. We're really happy to have her on board!

Footer Facelift

Check out the new and fresh footer on our website! We've updated the footer on the website to make it stand out more. When you've scrolled all the way down (reading those super interesting articles, of course), you will be presented with some useful information and links. Did you already sign-up for our mailinglist? It's right there..

New Magazine articles and updated layout

We had so much fun writing a few more articles and adding them to our Magazine section. It really feels like craftsmanship to prepare the subject, get to work, take pictures (and video's..) and then write it up in an article that's enjoyable to read. We could do this all day!

Now that there are more and more articles, it was time to improve the layout and structure of the Magazine page a bit. It's easier to find the latest articles and on bigger screens they will look awesome in a new grid layout.

Click the 'Personal Blog' tag to see all the articles in that section
Click the 'Personal Blog' tag to see all the articles in that section

Magazine now has category tags

We've added a feature to group our Magazine articles into sections and give you more insight on the type of article. Our first articles have been placed in the 'Personal Blog' and 'Plant Spotlight' sections. When clicking those tags, it will give you an overview of other articles in that category group.

Knowledge Base Novelties

Our Plant Knowledge Base has new entries! They have been hand crafted with love and care, as we want to do our research and add a personal touch, instead of just make ChatGPT write 100 articles at once. Because we care and it's an essential part of our mission!

Link to specific 'about sections'

Another major update, and we're pretty excited about it. We've added so called "anchor tags" to the Knowledge base articles. If you would want to share a specific section, let's say 'How to water your Rubber plant properly', you can copy the link right next to the title of that section. When you visit that link, it will take you right to that section of the page! It's a small thing that makes life a bit easier.

SproutCloud goes international

We added a 'language switcher' to the navigation menu, so you can choose to switch if you want. It will take you straight to the related page in the selected language. At this moment we provide (almost all of) our content in both English and Dutch, and we do have plans to add more options in the future.

Spread the love

This one was pretty high on our wishlist.. There's now a "like and share" section below every article in both the Magazine and Knowledge Base. If you enjoyed reading something, let us know by hitting the like button, or by sharing it with others using the short url right next to it. Thank you so much :)

Instagram Invasion

We're now on Instagram! Elise is reel-ing in the likes with her posts, stories and reels. Make sure to check it out, follow us and send her some good vibes by liking and sharing ❤️

But wait.. there is more!

I just can't share it with you yet, as I don't want to spoil the surprise. We're busy working on new updates and SproutCloud projects, that's for sure. There are rumours about a Youtube channel, that I can neither confirm nor deny. It might have to do something with all the camera's, microphones and lights I'm currently surrounded by.. we'll see!

Meanwhile, keep growing, and talk soon!

Sander 🌿

P.S. The plants told me to remind you that they miss you. Give 'em a little water, will ya?