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From ordinary houseplant to simple beauty: My Spider plant

Having a lot of plants: that was my dream a few years ago. It’s only on the day our neighbor gave me at least five plants to take care of that I realized how much effort and care it takes to keep them all alive and thriving. Now, I am not an expert when it comes to caring for plants, but I can say I've gathered some experience since that day. I can share with confidence that all of them are still alive! Some had a rough time adapting to a new home, but bounced back eventually and some began to flourish as soon as I gave them the love they deserved.

There is one plant that stands out to me most, and that is the Spider Plant!

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Written by Elise

Published on July 29, 2023

Only after a few months have I started to truly appreciate the stress-free caretaking of my Reverse Variegated Spider Plant. While other plants were quite dramatic to care for at times, my Spider plant was always easy-going and undemanding. It effortlessly added a touch of green beauty to my space. No matter how little attention I gave it, it thrived and became my top pick for a hassle-free beginner’s plant. 

My little spider plant, back in the day..
My little spider plant, back in the day..

Some spider plant facts:

  • Spider plants are perennials and have long, slender leaves that grow from a central point. 

  • They are known for their resilience and adaptability, even when growing in an environment with limited sunlight. 

  • They can bloom in summer and spring when outside, but can also bloom any other time of year indoors. 

  • They usually grow to about 60cm, but can extend even further when it is in a hanging pot. 

  • There are more than 200 (!) species of Spider plants

  • They produce baby plantlets (offsets) that grow at the end of long, arching stems. These plantlets can be easily propagated by placing them in water or soil.

While I was busy taking pictures of my gorgeous Asparagus Fern and drama queen Calathea Orbifolia, my spider plant was thriving in the shade. Literally. It was standing in the darkest corner of my room, but it was happy. It was quite small and not very impressive looking (compared to the previously mentioned plants) so I didn't give it much attention. It had some damaged ends so I began to do some pruning.

After a couple weeks, I rearranged my bedroom and put it on my dresser where it got enough diluted light from my south-facing window. It has grown into an eye-catching centerpiece since then. Sometimes I put it in different places in the house, because it really adds a touch of green wherever it goes.

It’s been in the bathroom, on the dinner table, on a window sill (not in direct sunlight, otherwise it will burn), and outside! Sometimes I even forget to water it. Normally I water it once a week, but it has survived longer without. It has not grown any plantlets yet, but when it does i will definitely propagate them and grow more Spider plants!

It took me a while to appreciate my Spider plant, but now that I fully do, I'm never going back!

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