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Let's take care of this Arrowhead plant gone wild - Part 1

It's been so busy around here lately, that giving my beloved Arrowhead some attention was highly overdue. Loads of long and yellow leaves were calling out to me.

Luckily, the Arrowhead has a pretty high tolerance for circumstances like this. They will either patiently wait for you to have some time for maintenance, signing you with sad looking yellow leaves, or start growing completely wild and out of control.

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Written by Sander

Published on August 18, 2023

They will not die on you overnight, and as long as you don't neglect them for too long, they will survive. For me that's perfect, as I get pretty busy at times with taking care of the business, the family at home, and trying to sneak in a few moments for my own personal hobbies. Before you know it, another day and another week has quickly passed by and you forgot to water the plants.. or did you..? 🤔 I'm sure we'll revisit that topic in the future...

So, after last week's trimming of the Monstera, it now was time to just pick up my scissors and sit down for a bit to take care of this. You know, once you get going, it doesn't take as long as you thought it would, and it's actually pretty relaxing! Except for having to trim this many leaves. It made me feel a little sad. We do know it's for the best and it will hopefully, in the end, revive my Arrowhead.

When pruning your plants, don't forget to make sure your tools are clean and look into the best way of pruning for the specific plant you're working on. For Arrowheads it's pretty straight forward, and once you've done it you'll know where the plant prefers to be cut.

While trimming the yellow leaves, I also took care of some really old and brown leaves, hiding in the dark deep downs of this plant. In spring it went totally out of control, and was growing so fast. It was all tangled up. It prevented some of the smaller sprouts from getting any sunlight, so they didn't make it.

After about 15 minutes of trimming, the result was a fresh looking Arrowhead (like a new haircut that's a bit shorter than you would've liked, but it will grow back in a week or so!) and a big pile of yellow leaves. It felt very satisfying and I guess it made both of us kind of happy that it finally got done!

Getting a chance to look at the soil more closely, I realized it is probably time to take tare of that as well. It has been about two years since I last did that, so I wouldn't want to wait much longer with that. For today, I didn't want to stress the plant too much, as the pruning was pretty severe.

We'll take care of the soil as one of the next projects around here. For now I just added a little bit of fertilizer to the water, for strengthening and reviving over the next week or two. As yellow leaves like this can also mean that it had too much (or too little) sunlight, I will pay some extra attention on that as well. My guess is it had too little sunlight, as it is already on the north side window of the living room, and we also had the roller blinds for that window drawn more than usual.

It helps to keep an eye out for your plant's circumstances, so it's easier to understand what's going on when they're struggling.

Especially when you get advice like 'it might get too much, or too little..', it helps if you can make an educated guess! That's why we've created our Plant Knowledgebase, so you can learn more about your plant and understand them better. (Arrowhead Knowledgebase coming soon!)

That's it for now, we will be back with a next update pretty soon, I hope!

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